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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Baby when the lights go out..."

"Every single word cannot express, my love and tenderness"
...but i'm going to try.

The power went out the other day and did not come back on for another 20 (ish) hours. Since I did not expect this turn of events I did not charge my phone or my computer…or my ipod, so not having any sort of media to toy with (and as my headlamp ran out of batteries), things got a little bit silly once it got too dark to read. So I sat in my room by candlelight I wrote these (cough) exquisite (cough cough) haikus (5-7-5) and have chosen to share them with you all now.
Yo te extrañ o
Aquí estoy soñ ando
Veinte meses má s
It’s raining outside
Dogs are humping in the street
Guatemala, meh.
Lightning slices sky
Thunder seconds behind cracks
Clothes hang on the line
It is freaking loud
Hearing everything outside
Apple-bottom jeans.
Rain is falling hard
Upon my lamina roof
Tea boils on the stove
The power is out
It’s really dark in my room
Seven thirty-five.
The candles flicker
To the drumming of the rain
I wish you were here.
I think my favorite one is the one about tea boiling on the stove, or clothes hanging on the line. I also played some guitar…but it is more difficult to share those successes with you.
The power did end up coming back on around midnight and all of my various stuff started to glow with the promise that it may be charged and usable again soon, which was great.
That’s all I’ve got for now, I’m off to a Project Design and Management workshop with one of our Directors for the rest of the week. It looks like I’ll be speaking Spanish for the next 6 hours while driving to the training…and most likely for the rest of the weekend.
I have a feeling my brain is going to hurt when I get back. Wish me luck!
Peace & Love,
p.s. KC, AV & UB- I got your packages, THANK YOU SO MUCH!
P.p.s. If anyone else is dying to send me a package I could really use some nutritional yeast (like from whole foods or Fred Meyer’s bulk food sections, at least a few cups‘ worth) some slivered or ground almonds (a few cups maybe), and some ascorbic acid (I don’t know what this is but it’s on the recipe).
I am attempting to make my own Yumm sauce to blow Guatemala’s mind.
Missing everyone! Hope all is well!

1 comment:

  1. You sould probably start putting a 90's boy band reference in every post. I just peed a litte I was laughing so hard.

    Boot's with the furrrr!
