Pictures of stuff i've talked about/tried to explain about my life in Guatemala. enjoy(?)
these crazy flat spiders that are EVERYWHERE. this is a medium-sized one. they're also really, REALLY fast. |
this is an enormous bug i found in my room and ushered outside. |
this is a bottle kitchen project that the volunteer before me, Kristina, did with one of the schools. look at the triangle, that's a cut-out to show the bottle construction. there's also an unfinished world-map on the wall...that i may finish. |
this is a rincon de salud (health corner) it's got toothbrushes, towels, cups, purified water, soap, toilet paper etc. |
this is a lava-manos, it's got 12 faucets constructed around a water-tank. |
this is a pila (outside sink) on the right i've got some dishes drying and on the left is where i usually wash my dishes and/or clothes by scrubbing them in the concrete-lined basin and scooping water out of the middle section with that little bowl (called a guacal or palangana). |
this is how i do drinking water, i buy new jugs of water from the store and then lug them back to my place. they're somewhat heavy and a nuisance to carry but they only cost 15Q ($2.00) and usually last me about a week...not too shabby. |
this is why my thighs are getting really strong (because i have to squat under my shower-head to avoid being electrocuted). |
this is why i am afraid of being electrocuted. this is a calentador. I turn on the water and then i flip the fuse on. the shower head makes a gargling sound and then the water comes out hot. when i'm finished bathing i take a towel and flip the fuse down and then turn off the water. |
just a little idea of what it's like in my site housing and terrain-wise. |
despite it being the end of the dry season, there is still a lot of green happening. |
this is a view of my patio taken from my roof. my landlord is a big fan of flowers and trees. the area where the cinder blocks are is where i burn my trash and you can see the pila in the back left-hand corner. |
I think this may be where the winged ants are coming from...this is just outside the door that can be seen in the previous picture. |
so...that's that.
in an unrelated note, my birthday is in 9 days and i leave for Los Angeles in 6 days.
i am so excited i can barely contain myself; fun times ahead!
hope everyone is well! love love LOVE!
wow thank you so much for posting these eye opening photos! The pila, the burning of the trash, the lugging the water jug, ect. Those things make more sense now and show how much harder things are there.
ReplyDeletehave you seen my blog? It has turned into a food blog as of late...
have a good week!
Haha! Check out: